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Ansbach (Mittelfranken)
In Windsbach, the war memorial for the fallen soldiers of the two World Wars, that consists of three parts, is situated in a park-like site between Lärchen-, Birken- and Lindenstraße. On the large memorial for the fallen soldiers of World War I that was inaugurated on the 25th of june 1922, below several sculptures (an emaciated woman in a veil, a torch, an Iron Cross, an eagle and a dying soldier), you will find the following inscription on the front-side:

Den Helden des Weltkrieges 1914/18 zum Dank den Hinterbliebenen zum Trost dem gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Geschlecht zur Lehre und zur Nachahmung deutscher Treue gewidmet von der Stadt Windsbach und den Gemeinden Elpersdorf, Ismannsdorf, Neuses, Retzendorf und Sauerheim Gott ist unsere Zuversicht!

(to the heroes of the World War 1914/18 in gratefulness, as a consolation to the bereaved as a lesson and a model for German loyalty to the present and future generations, dedicated by the town of Windsbach and the communities of Elpersdorf, Ismannsdorf, Neuses, Retzendorf und Sauerheim, God is our confidence)

On the back, below several sculptures, you will find the dedication:

Aus Dankbarkeit zum ehrenden Gedächtnis der Kämpfern der Deutschen Freiheitskriege 1813/14 den Kämpfern von 1866 den Kämpfern des glorreichen Krieges von 1870/71 von denen gefallen sind ...

(in gratefulness and in honouring memory of the combatants of the German Wars of Liberation 1813/14, of 1866 and to the combatants of the glorious war in 1870/71, those who died...)

On the right side of the monument, below the sculptur of a resting lion and the inscription:Aus Windsbach sind gefallen in Frankreich, Rumänien und Galizien (those from Windsbach who fell in France, Romania and Galicia), the names of the victims from the town are listed (the writing is difficult to read), among the names you will find - under the respective dates - the Jewish soldiers:

1914 Adolf Bär v. 11.8


1915 Jul. Gutmann v. 22.10

On the left side, the fallen soldiers from the other communities are commemorated.

The fallen soldiers of World War II are commemorated with two stones below the large monument.