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Bad Kissingen (Unterfranken)
In Riedenberg - which used to be the separate villages of Unter- and Oberriedenberg - there is a new war memorial for the fallen soldiers of the two World Wars on Kirchstraße 12, next to the church. Four stone plaques with the inscription: SIE GABEN IHR LEBEN 1914 – 1918 1939 – 1945 (they gave their life 1914-1918 1939-1945) list the names of the fallen soldiers of both wars. On the plaque to the left, you will find the following Jewish fallen soldiers:

1916 Sitzman Gustav 21 Jahre

1917 Sitzmann Maier 23 Jahre

On the plaque to the right, among the names of the missing soldiers of Worl War I, the name of the Jewish soldier can be found:

Goldbach Nathan 24 Jahre