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On the Jewish cemetery on Schillerstraße, the gravestones of several community members can be found, on which those who were buried in foreign soil are also commemorated:

The gavestone for LOUIS KAHN s.A. has the moving inscription:


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Hier ruht in Frieden
unser lieber Gatte und Vater
Herr Louis Kahn
geb. 1.X.1858 gest. 7. III. 1929

Im Konzentrationslager 1942 in Polen gestorben

(who died in the concentration camp in Poland)
Maria Kahn, geb. Bloch
Max Kahn
Justizrat Adolf Bloch

Dem Andenken
unseres lieben Sohnes und Bruders

(in memory of our dear son)
Alfred Ernst Kahn cand.jur.
Vfw. u. Offz.=Asp.
geb. 15.VIII. 1893
gefall. 16.VIII. 1917 in Flandern

On the gravestone for ADOLF PREUSS you will read:

Hier ruht tief betrauert von Frau und Kindern Adolf Preuss,
gestorben 29 Jahre alt, am 21. Dezember 1897 F.S.A.

In treuem Gedenken an unseren einzigen unvergeßlichen Sohn u.
Bruder Adolf Preuss Er fiel im Kampfe für das Vaterland in
seinem 21. Lebensjahre am 30. September 1918 bei
und ruht fern von seinen Lieben bei Thielt

(in loyal memory of our only und unforgotten son and brother Adolf Preuss. He died in action, fighting for his country in his 21st year, on the 30th of september 1918, at Oostnieuwkerke and lies far from his loved ones near Thielt).

On the central part of the grave of CARL LEHMANN b. in Burghaslach, 9th of march 1856, d. in Munich on the 28th of january 1915, you will find the inscription:

Unser einziger Sohn und Bruder Dr. med. Lorenz Lehmann
Ritter des eisernen Kreuzes geb. zu Regensburg am 6. März 1889
ruht in Agremont, wo er als Oberarzt im bay. 14. Infant. Regt.
am 12. Jan. 1915 fiel
Ein braver Sohn und liebevoller Bruder, ein gleich tapferer
Soldat wie hochbegabter Arzt, opferte er in treuester
Pflichterfüllung sein junges Leben frohgemut dem Vaterland

(our only son and brother, med.Dr. Lorenz Lehmann, Knight of the Iron Cross, b. in Regensburg on the 6th of march 1889, rests in Agremont, where he was killed , serving as medical officer for the 14th Bavarian infant. reg. on the 12th of january 1915. A dear son and a loving brother, a brave soldier and a talented medical doctor, he gave his life for his country with joy, doing his duty).

On a gravestone that is hardly readable, you will find the following inscription:

Im Andenken an meinen lieben Bruder Heinrich Springer der
einem schrecklichen Schicksal in Piaski-Lublin 1919 zum Opfer fiel

and below that

Hier ruht betrauert ... unser lieber Mann und ...
Hugo Springer aus Straubing Kanonier im ... bay.
...Reg. er fiel im Kampf für sein Vaterland am 24. Okt. 1916

(her lies our beloved husband and ... mourned for...Hugo Springer from Staubing, artillery man in ... Bavarian... reg. he was killed in action, fighting for his country on the 24th of october 1916)

The following inscription shows once again, how proud the Bavarian Jews were of their military ranks in the Royal Bavarian army:

Hier ruht Herr Richard Wiener gepr. Rechtsanwaltspraktikant
und Reservelieutenant a.D. geb. zu Floß den 10. November 1853
gest. zu Regensburg den 10. Februar 1890 Friede seiner Asche!