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Kitzingen (Unterfranken)
In Nenzenheim, today part of Iphofen, in the center of the village, you will find a war memorial for the fallen soldiers of both World Wars, consiting of three commemorative stones. The central stone has the inscription: 

Seinen im Völkerkrieg 1914–18 gefallenen Helden die Gemeinde Nenzenheim

(to its fallen heroes of the World War 1914-1918, the community of Nenzenheim

and lists all the citizens, who did not return from the war, among them the Jewish soldier:



nenzenheim.jpg (50779 Byte)  

Hirsch Hirschmann
80. Gr.IRGt.
gef. 4.10.17 bei ...erlorre

Below that the sentence:

Sie starben den ehrenvollen Tod fürs Vaterland (they died a heroic death for their country)

can be read.