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Muhr am See
Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen (Mittelfranken)
In Muhr am See (formerly Alten-und Neuenmuhr) upto the Third Reich there was a commemorative plaque for the Jewish fallen soldiers of the village in the local synagogue. Since the sale of the synagogue, the plaque has disappeared, probably it was destroyed during the pogrom of the 10th of november 1938.

In 1958 the "Heimatverein Alten- und Neuenmuhr" erected a war memorial for the fallen soldiers of the wars of 1870/71, 1914/18 and 1939/45. It is situated on the junction of the Judenhof and the Kirchstraße, about 200 m to the east of the protestant church of St.Johannis. Six plaques of stone have been put up on a sandstone wall (1.6 m high and 7 m long) below the inscription: DEN GEFALLENEN UND VERMISSTEN DER KRIEGE 1870/71 * 1914/18 * 1939/45 (to the fallen and missing soldiers of the wars 1870/71*1914/1918*1939/1945). On the plaques, you find the names of the fallen and missing soldiers of the three wars. On the plaque to the far left, the names of two Jewish soldiers are commemorated:



Below the plaques, the inscription: WIR MAHNEN ZUM FRIEDEN (we remind you of peace) can be seen.