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The town of Kitzingen has no war memorial for the fallen soldiers of World War I. Only in the two churches are there commemorative plaques with the names of the members of the respective religious congregations.

In the entrance hall of the synagogue, there used to be a commemorative plaque with the names of the fallen Jewish soldiers. This plaque was destroyed during the "Reichskristallnacht" november 9/10 1938.
After 1945, the magistrate of the town put together a commemrative book for the 254 dead soldiers of World War I, in which the following names of Jewish-German soldiers can be found:

Adolf Stern, Kaufmann
Richard Hichberger, Kaufmann
Dr. M. Schur, Oberarzt
Stefan Sonder, Oberrealschüler
Wilhelm Stein, Kaufmann
Josef Rosenthal, Weinhändler
Sali Gerst, Getreidehändler
Justin Stein, Viehhändler