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Rhön-Grabfeld (Unterfranken)
The memorial for the victims of Word War I is situated between the church and the townhall, on „Caspar-v.Bibra-Weg". Below the inscription: 1914–1918 IHREN HELDEN (1914-1918 to its heroes), the names of the fallen soldiers are listed. Among them you will find the following Jewish soldiers from Höchheim: 


hoechheim.jpg (44383 Byte)

Siegfr. Rosenthal
gef. 28.8.1914 im Westen

Alb. Wolf
gef. 10.9.1914 im Westen

Jul. Sommer
gef. 08.9.1916 im Westen

Lud. Sommer
gef. 9.1.1917 im Westen

Sigm. Friedmann
verm. 29.11.1916 im Osten

below that the inscriptioon


(the grateful community)