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Roth b.N. (Mittelfranken)
In Georgensmünd, today two memorials remind us of the willingness to sacrifice and to die of the Jewish-German soldiers. In the center of the community, to the left of the bridge over the "fränkische Rezat", there is a memorial for the fallen soldiers of the wars 1806-14, 1813 and 1814, 1866 and 1870 and 71. On the front side of the obelisk, you will find the dedication:

Errichtet im Juli 1890 vom Veteranen=Verein Georgensgmünd 
(erected in july 1890 by the Veteranen=Verein Georgensmünd). 

On the left plaque the names of the combatants of the war of 1870/71 are listed, among them the Jewish soldier:

Lewy, Hrch.

Only a few metres away, to the right of the bridge, you will find a memorial for the fallen soldiers of World War I. Below the sculpture of a Bavaria lion and the dates 1914and1918, with an Iron Cross and the inscription above it:UNSEREN IM WELTKRIEG 1914–18 GEBLIEBENEN HELDENSÖHNEN (to our heroic sons, who stayed in the World War 1914-1918), the names of the dead soldiers are listed. Under the date 1918 you will find the name of the Jewis-German soldier Gern Heinr. Off.Stvl. 27.3.


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