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Miltenberg (Unterfranken)
A war memorial consisting of two black, granite slabs with the names of the fallen soldiers of World War I, is situated in the lutheran church "Epiphaniaskirche". You will find it in the nave, opposite the side entrance. On the left slab, below an Iron Cross and the dedication

Dem ehrenden Gedächtnis der im Kriege 1914 –1918 in der Gesamtkirchengemeinde Eschau gefallenen und vermißten Krieger

(in honouring memory of the fallen and missing soldiers of the war of 1914-1918 from the congregation of Eschau)

among all the names of the dead, you will find the name of the Jewish-German soldier

Louis Grünewald 1.Nov.1917 am Chemin des Dames

A further war memorial for the fallen soldiers of both World Wars is to be found infront of the entrance to the church, near the the ELSAVA-HALLE. Below an Imperial Eagle and the inscription:UNSEREN HELDEN 1914 – 1918 (to our heroes), the names, date and place of death of the fallen soldiers are listed, among them the Jewish-German soldier

Louis Grünewald 1.11.1917 a. CHEMIN DES DAMES.

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