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Forchheim (Oberfranken)
The war memorial at Ermreuth for the fallen soldiers of both World Wars is situated next to the church.
On a large commemorative stone with the figure of a praying soldier, you will find the date of 1914 - 1918, the dedication: Gewidmet von der Gemeinde Ermreuth Ihren Helden (dedicated to its heroes by the village of Ermreuth) and the inscription: ANS VATERLAND AUS TREUE SCHLIESS DICH AN (follow your country in loyality). On the two sides, the names of victims of World War I are listed, below the inscription: Aus der Gemeinde Ermreuth fürs Vaterland starben: (those from Ermreuth, who have died for their country). Among the names you will find that of Jewish-German soldier:

HÖNLEIN MORITZ 17. Inf.Rgt. gef. 23.4.17 Arras.

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