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Neustadt a.d.A.-Bad Windsheim (Mittelfranken)
On the Jewish cemetery of Diespeck, that is situated on a hill to the east of the village, there is a well kept complex with a memorial for the members of the congregation who were killed in World War I.
In the background of the complex, infront of the cemetery wall, there is a memorial stone, that has - below military symbols (a helmet and a sword with a laurel wreath) - the following inscription

Die isr. Gemeinde in treuem Gedenken an ihre fürs Vaterland gefallenen Söhne 1914 – 1918

(the Jewish congregation in loyal memory of their sons, who were killed for their country /1914-1918)

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To the left and the right of those stones, eleven symbolic gravestones have been put up, on which the names of the fallen soldiers were commemorated. The inscriptions have faded and can no longer be deciphered.