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Main-Spessart (Unterfranken)
The recently built war memorial for the fallen soldiers of both World Wars from Burgsinn is located in the park next to the water-castle, near the "tourist information". Under he inscription BURGSINN SEINEN SÖHNEN 1914-1918 1939-1945 (Burgsinn for its sons 1914-1918 1939-1945). On the left side of the commemorative plaque the names of the dead soldiers of World War I are listed, among them the German-Jewish soldier:


burgsinn.jpg (61628 Byte)  



 Not far from this war memorial there is a further memorial for the soldiers of the war in 1870/71. The inscription is :

Dem Andenken der Mitkämpfer des Krieges 1870/71 gewidmet von der Gemeinde Burgsinn. Felix Rosenberger

(in memory of the combatants in the war of 1870/71 dedicated by the community of Burgsinn) Felix Rosenberger must have been a Jewish combatant.