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Markt Berolzheim
Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen (Mittelfranken)
In Markt Berolzheim, the war memorial for the fallen soldiers of World War I (built in 1921 and recently renovated) is situated in the center of the village, on the church square of St.Michael. On top of the monument in form of a fountain is an eagle and below that, with an Iron Cross above it, the inscription, that can hardly be deciphered: Ihren Gefallenen v. 1914–1918 aus Dankbarkeit die Gemeinde Berolzheim (in grateful memory to their fallen soldiers of 1914-1918, the community of Berolzheim). Below this dedication, on all four sides of the monument, you will find commemorative plaques, giving the names of the fallen soldiers. The names can still be read, the other information can only partly be deciphered.
markt-berolzheim-1.jpg (31525 Byte)

markt-berolzheim-2.jpg (41032 Byte)

Among the soldiers, who died in action, we find the following Jewish-German soldiers:

Herz Benyamin
2. Ul.Regt. gef. 11.8.14 Elsaß

Herz Josef
I.R. 10. gef. 25.5.15 Aizenays

Herz Max
118. Landwehr Regt. gef. 30.9.15

Schönwalter Art.
Württ.Art.R.13.10.B. gef. 10.10.18 Retheim

Wolf Ludwig
13. I.R.6.K. gef. 20.7.16