The domed building - preface

At the turn of the century it was decided that a prestigious building similar to the Hall of Fame (the Pantheon) which had been completed in 1857 to house Vienna`s Army Museum – but not to glorify the army - was also to be built in the centre of Munich. The planning of the building had to combine harmoniously the history of the nation, the Wittelsbach dynasty and the historico-cultural development of the army. Not only did the building in Vienna provide a model but also the Pantheon of the French Nation built at the time of Napoleon, the Pantheon in the Bohemian National Museum in Prague and the Old Museum (Altes Museum) in Berlin built by Schinkel in imitation of the Roman Pantheon. please click to enlarge (41 KB)

S.P.Q.R  - please click to enlarge (49 KB) On 10 May 1899 building supervision was assigned to Ludwig Mellinger, Head of Planning and Building Control in the Bavarian War Office. Assisting him was Maxon, Clerk of Works for the Bavarian National Museum, and the Augsburger Kurz, Inspector of Construction for military building. The construction of this monumental domed building is Mellinger`s masterpiece which even today is regarded with awe and admiration. As a reward he was raised to the nobility in 1905 as a Knight of the Order of Merit, and in 1913 he received additional honours. This brief account is an attempt to convey some idea of the special features of his work but is by no means a complete picture.
(3) S.P.Q.R. inscription
(Senatus Populusque Romanus)
The Senate and the people of Rome *

(*: Please click on the picture to enlarge! )

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domed building
domed building